This information is based on the most recent data we have received. However, some of the joint committees are still under negotiation, and these numbers may be subject to change in the coming months. Employers should take note that the provided data is provisional and may be updated.

How are the training hours calculated?

The law of October 3, 2022, better known as the « labor deal », defines the employers subject to this law as well as the number of days granted based on the number of employees.

General rule

Number of employees Number of days
From 0 to 9 0 (optional)
From 10 to 19 Special arrangement. If full-time complete year = 1 day
As from 20 Normal arrangement. If full-time complete year = 4 days in 2023 and 5 days as from 2024

Exceptions per sectoral CLA

A sectoral Collective Labor Agreement (CLA) can change the number of days allocated by making a training day mandatory for companies with fewer than 10 employees and/or by changing the number of training days via a trajectory that may extend over several years.

The full text of all collective agreements can be consulted on the website Federale Overheidsdienst Werkgelegenheid, Arbeid en Sociaal Overleg

Consult the list of exceptions for your CLA in the overview below:
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